Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My favorite place: Pakistan

My favorite place to visit is the motherland, Pakistan. I was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and moved to Edmond, Oklahoma when I was about a year old. Since then, I have tried to visit Pakistan every few years. I still have a ton of family back there and I love going back and enjoying time there. There are a lot of misconceptions and propaganda about Pakistan, but until you actually visit, your thoughts are void! It is a second home for me, a place where I can fit in, to an extent.

Neelam Valley, Pakistan. 


  1. Oh, I was so excited when I saw your post, Bilal. I truly hope to get to go to Pakistan someday...and also to learn Urdu! (I studied Sanskrit in college, so learning Urdu would not be totally impossible...). And how wonderful that you have the opportunity to return for visits. Maybe for this class you will want to do a project related to Pakistan and/or on the traditional Muslim stories and arts of Mughal India. It's beautiful stuff; many of the illustrations I use in the Indian Epics class come from the Mughal illustrations of the epics in the beautiful Persian style: Mughal Painting :-)

    1. Right on Dr. Gibbs! I speak Urdu pretty fluently, and am in the process of learning how to read and write it. I know how to read arabic, and I believe there are alot of similarities between the two. I will definitely consider doing a project over that. I had the opportunity to actually visit a Mughal fort in Lahore, Pakistan and I must say, the architecture and everything was breathtaking. I hope you have the chance to visit Pakistan sometime, not just for the sights, but for the delicious food lol.

    2. URDU and FOOD. That sounds like bliss! I listen to Urdu music and so sometimes I recognize words and phrases... and I know the Arabic/Persian alphabet; basically, I just need to retire soon so that I can go back to being a student and learning languages. :-)
